On the birthday day 1.5.2024, everyone aged 22 and younger is admitted free of charge. Birthday programme:
10:30 Hanna The Pike greets children
11:00 Nature film Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park
12:30 Hanna The Pike greets children
13:00 Waterfall is running in the carp tank
14:00 Hanna The Pike greets children
15:00 Diver feeds the fish in the Baltic Sea tank
15:30 Hanna The Pike greets children
16:00 Nature film Archipelago rower
In the temporary exhibition space, you can vote for your favourite picture at the Fishy Heads exhibition, and at the end of May, one lucky person will win the picture she/he voted for.
Biodegradable balloons are handed out in the nature school classroom. Welcome with the whole family!