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Perch in the Baltic Sea Tank.

Maretarium is open also at Midsummer

Maretarium and Maretarium’s souvenir shop Meripuoti are open every day also during Midsummer. On Midsummer’s Eve 21.6., however, only from 10 am to 2 pm, while otherwise Maretarium is open all summer, until August 18, every day from 10 am to 7 pm. After that, the daily opening hours will be reduced by two hours. You can go shopping in the Sea Shop even if you don’t go on an aquarium tour.

There are daily nature film screenings at 11 am and 4 pm (except 21.6. only at 11 am), the waterfall is running at 1 pm and the fish are fed at 3 pm (not 21.6.). At 3 pm, the fish are usually fed by diving in the Baltic Sea tank during the summer months, because after feeding, the diver’s task is to clean the tank windows from algae. The water in the Gulf of Finland used in aquarium tanks is very nutritious, and when sunlight reaches the Baltic Sea tank, algae grow strongly. Algae are allowed to grow on the walls of the tank and on rocks, as various water bugs thrive among the algae, which in turn are ready food for the pool’s 250 fish. But the windows of the tank are tried to be kept free of algae growth so that there is a good view of the tank.

The daily programme for July also includes a meeting with Maretarium’s mascot Hanna The Pike at 2 pm. Children and child-minded adults can shake fins with Hanna or even hug Hanna.

Throughout the summer, there will also be stunning photographs by professional nature photographer Jari Heikkinen. Heikkinen’s exhibition is a sales exhibition – you can take the photo with you right away, as the exhibition can be supplemented with new images.