Responsible tourist company

Maretarium follows the principles of sustainable tourism and is a responsible tourist destination for the whole family.
- Maretarium’s activities are based on Chapter 1, Section 1 of the Finnish Nature Conservation Act (20.12.1996/1096): increasing natural knowledge and general natural activities; and promoting natural research. Without Maretarium it is not possible to explore the life under the Finnish surface in different seasons.
- In 2014, Maretarium received the WWF Panda Award.
- Maretarium is a supporting member of the Finnish Nature Conservation Association.
- At Maretarium we treat animals in the best possible way on a long-term basis.
- We do not use any chemicals in Maretarium’s aquarium processes.
- Maretarium draws attention to the reduction of energy and water use:
*During 2014-2018 Maretarium took part of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences so called Ecool-project, which developed energy efficiency in terms of ventilation, lighting, electricity reactive power and water consumption, and these were also implemented. The project also explored Maretarium’s potential for solar and wind energy use. - Maretarium sorts paper, cardboard, metal, glass, bio and energy waste. Energy waste is also collected in public spaces.
- Our new work jackets are made of Finnish wool fleece, which do not release microplastics in the wash.
- Maretarium have made a study of the origins of The Sea Shop’s products and the ethical and ecological properties of the products. This information is also available to our customers.
- The exhibition rooms offer our customers tips and instructions on how to protect water courses and fish stocks.
- We arrange annual commitment campaigns: we try to get our visitors to commit to environmental protection, in 2020 #oursea.
- We donate half of the proceeds from the sale of #oursea campaign products to the John Nurminen Foundation for the protection of the Baltic Sea.
- Visiting Maretarium is not only a must-know but also learning.
- We assess risks regularly and develop safety.
- We work fairly with other tourist destinations.
- We recommend other good tourist destinations in the City of Kotka and the Kymenlaakso region to our customers in our brochure, website and customer service.
- In the texts of the exhibition we also take into account other languages (Swedish, Russian, English).
- Fish name lists are available in 21 different languages, the most recent in the Sámi language.
- We invest in quality in customer service, guidance and procurement.
- We make sustainable procurement.
- We buy services and goods as much as possible from locals and only for real needs.
- We support the success of the City of Kotka.